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What Exercise Is Cardio And What Do They Include?

What Exercise Is Cardio And What Do They Include?

Cardio refers to physical exercises performed by the human body with sufficient oxygen supply. That is, during exercise, the oxygen inhaled by the human body is equal to the demand and reaches a physiologically balanced state.

Common Cardio are: walking, jogging, skating, swimming, cycling, playing Tai Chi, dancing aerobics, doing rhythmic exercises and so on. Aerobic exercise is characterized by low intensity, rhythm, uninterrupted and continuous, long time. Compared with explosive non-aerobic exercises such as weightlifting, running, high jump, long jump, and throwing, aerobic exercise is a kind of constant exercise, which lasts for more than 5 minutes and has more energy.


Cardio refers to the physical exercise performed by the human body with sufficient oxygen supply. In other words, during exercise, the oxygen inhaled by the human body is equal to the demand and reaches a physiologically balanced state. In simple terms, it refers to any rhythmic exercise with a long exercise time (about 15 minutes or more) and a moderate or moderate exercise intensity (75% to 85% of the maximum heart rate). Whether it is “aerobic” or not, the measure is heart rate. The amount of exercise that keeps the heart rate at 150 beats/minute is aerobic exercise because blood can supply enough oxygen to the heart muscle at this time; therefore, it is characterized by low intensity, rhythm, and long duration. It is required that each exercise should be no less than 1 hour, and persist 3 to 5 times a week. This kind of exercise, oxygen can fully digest the sugar in the body, can also consume body fat, enhance and improve cardiopulmonary function, prevent osteoporosis, regulate mental and mental state, is the main exercise method of fitness. Therefore, if you are overweight and want to achieve weight loss through exercise, it is recommended that you choose aerobic exercises, such as jogging, cycling, etc. These exercises can not only serve the purpose of consuming body fat. , And it’s simple and easy.




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