What are the benefits of aerobic exercise for us? Cookies
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What are the benefits of aerobic exercise for us?

What are the benefits of aerobic exercise for us?



Simply put, aerobic exercise is physical exercise under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply. That is, during exercise, the body’s intake of oxygen is equal to its demand, reaching a physiological equilibrium state. When we are exercising, what are the benefits of aerobic exercise for us?



the benefits of aerobic exercise



The purpose of aerobic exercise is to enhance cardiorespiratory endurance. During exercise, muscle contraction requires a lot of nutrients and oxygen, the number of heart contractions increases, and the amount of blood sent out each time is more than usual. At the same time, the oxygen demand also increases, and the number of breaths is more than normal. , The degree of contraction of the lungs is also greater. Therefore, when the exercise continues and the muscles contract for a long time, the heart and lungs must work hard to supply oxygen to the muscles and remove waste from the muscles. And this continuous demand can improve the endurance of the heart and lungs. When the cardiorespiratory endurance increases, the body can engage in longer or higher intensity exercises, and it is less prone to fatigue.


The combustion of gasoline is inseparable from oxygen, so we can also call the work of the engine aerobic exercise. Similarly, human beings also burn fuel during exercise. Human “fuel” is sugar, protein, and fat. These “fuels” of human beings are stored in the cells of the human body. When you exercise, you will consume these “fuels” to obtain power.


Just as the engine burns gasoline, humans also need oxygen to support combustion when they burn “fuel” (ie, oxidize). People breathe in big mouths during exercise, so that the oxygen in the air enters the blood circulatory system through the alveoli, and then flows to the tissue cells of the whole body with the arterial blood. This is a long process.


Low-intensity, long-term exercises are basically aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, long-distance slow swimming, cycling, dancing, etc. Aerobic exercise can effectively exercise the heart, lungs and other organs, and can improve cardiovascular and pulmonary functions. In the process of using oxygen, there is a considerable time difference. This time difference determines that vigorous, short-term exercise becomes anaerobic exercise. When you exercise for long enough, oxygen has been dissolved into the cells, and the glucose in the body is fully “burned” and converted into new energy. Such exercise is called aerobic exercise.

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