What principles should be followed in the weight loss diet? Cookies
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What principles should be followed in the weight loss diet?

What principles should be followed in the weight loss diet?



Losing weight can’t just be exercise and fitness, it must be matched with diet. What principles should be followed in the weight loss diet?


1. The importance of three meals a day.

Eat three meals a day. People eat not only to fill their stomachs or to relieve gluttony but also to ensure the normal development and health of the body. Experiments have proved that the digestion and absorption rate of protein in food is 85% for three meals a day; if it is changed to two meals a day, and each meal eats half of the whole day’s food, the protein digestion, and absorption rate is only 75%. Therefore, according to the living habits of our people, generally speaking, three meals a day are more reasonable.



2. The choice of food in the three meals.

What foods to choose for three meals a day, how to prepare them, and what methods to use for cooking are all very particular and vary from person to person. Generally speaking, the staple food and non-staple food for three meals a day should be matched in thickness. Animal food and plant food should have a certain ratio. It is best to eat some beans, potatoes, and fresh vegetables every day. The scientific allocation of three meals a day is determined according to each person’s physiological condition and work needs. According to food intake, the ratio of breakfast, lunch, and dinner is 3:4:3. If someone eats 500 grams of staple food a day, they should eat 150 grams in the morning and evening, and 200 grams at noon is more appropriate.



the weight loss diet



3. The scientific combination of breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a good breakfast every day can make people live longer. Breakfast is designed to choose foods that are easy to digest, absorb, and high in fiber. It is best to have the highest proportion of raw food, which will become the main source of energy for the day.



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