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7 ways to lose weight without exercising.(2)

7 ways to lose weight without exercising (2)

4. Drink Louis Boss tea

Rooibos tea is from South Africa but is widely sold in various health stores and tea shops in Ireland.

This is a surprising way of metabolism, it is sweeter than green tea, which is why it is becoming more and more popular.

Switching your usual hot drinks to Louis Boss can save you thousands of calories per month. Toronto nutritionist Sue Ma said that a glass of juice also provides more than 100 calories.

By reducing your calorie intake by 100 calories a day, you can reduce your calories by 10 pounds per year.

5. Smell and drink mint


This may be a strange thing, but this is our love – mint not only smells very sweet but also a good way to wake you up!

From dental care to nail care to blood circulation, it has many health benefits, but it is also very useful for digestion.

You can make super simple tea with mint leaves, which not only increases its aroma but also helps to lose weight.

Just pour a few leaves into the cup and pour some hot water on top of about 80 degrees Celsius.

But when you can’t make tea, you can smell the mint, which will reduce hunger.

6. Eat a blue plate

This is a technique that is used again and again. Jason O’Callaghan of the D4 clinic used this method to help his clients lose weight through hypnotherapy.

One of his clients praised his work. He said: “I lost 75 to 80 pounds in 10 months. I only went to the clinic once and the cost was 299 euros. The therapist at the D4 clinic recorded the hypnosis process. So I can cook at home and eat fewer things.


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