Can 30 minutes of sweating and fat burning exercise lose weight? Cookies
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Can 30 Minutes Of Sweating And Fat Burning Exercise Lose Weight?

4 ways fat burning exercise to lose weight.

Everyone wants to have a good body and figure, and exercise is the best way to realize this wish. The living conditions in modern society are getting better, and the fat content of many people is increasing year by year. Everyone is wondering if you can lose weight if you do 30 minutes of sweating and fat burning exercises? Let’s take a look together!


Can 30 minutes of sweating and fat burning exercise lose weight?

30 minutes of sweating and fat burning exercise can lose weight. In the first 30 minutes after the start of exercise, energy is mainly provided by sugar, and fat is also consumed simultaneously, but the proportion of calories provided by fat does not exceed 50%. Therefore, even if you exercise for less than 30 minutes, you still consume fat but consume less. If you exercise for more than 30 minutes, the situation will be reversed. The body’s energy supply is mainly fat, and the efficiency of weight loss will be better. So 30 minutes of sweating and fat burning exercise can lose weight.

4 ways fat burning exercise to lose weight.

What are fat burning actions?

Action 1: Hook the leg for 30 seconds, rest for 10 seconds

Keep your back straight, tighten your core, place your hands behind your hips, and jump backward quickly. Try to keep your feet touching your hands every time you hook your legs. Keep the rhythm even and your body stable during the action.


Action 2: Open and close jump for 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds

Stand naturally, straighten your chest and abdomen, straighten your back, naturally droop your arms, jump your legs outwards, and raise your arms above your head at the same time, then jump your legs back inwards, return your arms down, and pay attention to your feet landing Need to buffer.


Action 3: abdominal curl 20 times, rest 10 seconds

Lie on your back, with your legs bent and knees together, your feet on the ground, your upper body close to the ground, your hands next to your ears, keeping your neck stationary, and your abdomen will be rolled up to the apex of the movement, and then restored. Pay attention to keeping your arms away during the movement. Participate in exerting force, just follow the body to move.


Action 4: Poppy jumps 12 times and rests for 45 seconds

Stand with your feet slightly open, lean over and squat with your arms slightly wider than your shoulders to support your body, then jump your legs back and straighten, then bend your elbows and bend down until your chest is almost touching the ground, then straighten your arms, and jump your legs inwards Retract, get up and jump up at the same time, squat down again when both feet are on the ground, keep the movement coherent during the movement, there is no pause before each link.

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